This article was first delivered by Pastor Naphtally Ogallo at the Reformed Family Conference in Zambia.


Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting in its death.

‘An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced. An abortion induced to preserve the health of the pregnant woman is termed a therapeutic abortion, while an abortion induced for any other reason such as is done at the woman‘s request is termed an elective abortion. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy, while spontaneous abortions are usually termed miscarriages. Abortion (induced) is the deliberate termination of pregnancy.’

Almost all bodies and organizations concerned with ‘Abortion’ basically say: it is here we can’t stop it so let’s handle it ‘safe’. The emphasis now is on ‘unsafe abortion’.

Clearly, the majority are not talking of stopping abortion but legalize it. The fact that campaigns are done around the world to legalize it must make us stop and ask ‘why need to legalize it?’ Isn’t it a silent but conscious admission that naturally it ought never to be so?

Telling admission:

“Unsafe abortion mainly endangers women in developing countries where abortion is highly restricted by law…” (WHO)

Further quote

“By contrast, legal abortion in industrialised nations has emerged as one of the safest procedures in contemporary medical practice, with minimum morbidity (injury) and a negligible risk of death.”(WHO)

Facts and Figures


“Approximately 56M abortions take place each year worldwide. That is 126,000 a day, 87 every minute, almost 2 every three seconds. Abortions account for 80,000 maternal deaths globally each year” (Africa Christian Action).


(US)America is leading in cases of abortion with about 55M cases so far recorded since 1973 (Lifenews.com)


“In every 100 births, 31 are aborted = 30%. 100,000 abortions per year.”


8M plus babies have been aborted in Britain since 1968 when the abortion Act came into effect. About 552 every day. The chief executive of Society for the Protection of Unborn Children in UK (SPUC) says:

“Our country has been deprived of millions of never-to-be repeated lives by the hidden horror of abortion”. (Evangelical Times June 2016).


8.3M abortions were reported between 2010 and 2014


In 2013, African Population and Health Research Center reported that over 400,000 abortions were recorded in 2012. Another study reports of 310,000 every year.


Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa reports that 52,000 cases of abortion between 2003 and 2008 were recorded.

In 1972 the law was ‘any intent to procure abortion’ earns you 7 years. Any woman involved in abortion gets 14 years. Anyone involved in assisting/supplying… for abortion receives 14 years.

The complaint by Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) is ‘this is not enough leverage’; “This does not give women full choice and control over their bodies.”

Reasons for abortion

In Kenya

“Abortion is not permitted except as may be provided for by an Act of Parliament.”

A report showed that teenagers mention stigma (shame/disgrace) of childbirth outside of marriage, the inability to support a child financially, being forced to drop out of school and keeping it from parents as the main reasons.

In Zambia

Termination of Pregnancy Act (TOP) in 1972 allowed termination of pregnancy (abortion) on health and socio-economic grounds = when her own life and health, or the health of other members of her family, may be put at risk by the pregnancy, or when the fetus may be expected to be damaged or diseased.

In 2005 amendment was made to include rape and defilement (incest).

Reasons get more worrying

Many people when asked about Hitler and the holocaust (murder of the 6M Jews) they condemn him outright. But ask the same people and they support abortion! Their reason is ‘one is considered human 3 days after birth; others give it 7 years; others say 40IQ; one general scare is handicaps.  

The Pro-choice [in America] often say they shouldn’t be thought of as ‘trigger happy’ in the matter of abortion. But they then go ahead and shoot themselves on the foot: “The President of Planned Parenthood in America Madam Ilyse Hogue is on video saying that she aborted for convenience; she wanted to follow her career (achieve her dream).” To quote her:

I’m Ilyse Hogue. I’m the president of (National Abortion Rights Action League) NARAL Pro-Choice America, which I might not be if I hadn’t had access to a legal abortion twenty years ago when I got pregnant due to a contraception failure.(LiveActionNews of Feb.8, 2016)

This woman is simply saying that motherhood is a hindrance to women. ‘Legalize abortion to empower women with the right [to] manage themselves better.’

Astonishingly, the NARAL leader just had a twins (June 2015) and – surprise! – she is still the head of NARAL! Hogue made the announcement on her Facebook page last June:

“June 17th, my husband and I were thrilled to meet our new daughter and son when they came into the world at 11:29 and 11:34 am respectively. We’re still getting used to being new parents with all of the flood of emotions– overwhelming joy and confusion and awe.”

Planned Parenthood sees pregnancy as a disease which require treatment and that abortion! Dr. Willard Cates (FHI 360) wrote a paper “Abortion as treatment for unwanted pregnancy, the second sexually transmitted disease”.

NARAL and its President, Hogue presents a picture that actually weakens a woman/mother and her own child.

Erika Bachiochi (Pro-life feminist) speaking on CNN on 2015 Jan 22nd challenged NARAL:

“When we belittle the developing child in the womb, a scientific reality that most pro-choice advocates have come to admit, we belittle and distort that child’s mother. We make her out to be one with property rights over her developing unborn child (much as [like] husbands once had property rights over their wives).

We give her the inhumane…right to decide the fate of another human being, of a vulnerable child — her child — to whom she properly owes an affirmative duty of care…The sign of a strong woman is not in how quickly she will sacrifice her own flesh and blood for personal ambition, but in how she maintains her dignity and that of her child while working through a challenging situation to find real solutions.  Many women in much more difficult circumstances than Hogue’s have chosen a better way: instead of viewing their own offspring as expendable “mistakes,” they have faced their challenges while embracing and protecting life.”

Abortion as political tool

In 1984 US President Ronald Reagan worked through to come up with a policy known as “The Mexico City Policy [this] is an intermittent (alternating) United States government policy that required all non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive federal funding to refrain from performing or promoting abortion services as a method of family planning with non-US government funds in other countries.”

The interesting thing is that when the Republicans are in power the policy is upheld. As soon as the Democrats get to power then the policy is rescinded (overturned/withdrawn)! Example: Bill Clinton (D) got to power and Jan.22nd 1993 he rescinded it. Jan.22nd 2001 George Bush (R) enforced it. Jan.23rd 2009 Barrack Obama (D) rescinded it! =>Murder of babies is become a political tool in American politics!

Procedure in abortion

1st three months (1st trimester) they use Dilation and Suction (DNS) or Dilation and Curettage (D&C). Basically crushing then sucking the baby through a tube. I leave you to think of the dangers involved even upon the mother.

2nd three months (2nd trimester) they use a needle to reach amniotic sac which is the baby’s safe home. They suck out the natural fluid and replace it with salt solution, burning the baby and within 24 to 72 hours the baby is forced out.

3rd three months (3rd trimester) hysterotomy (surgical operation) is done to abort. However, some babies come out alive then killed! 


The fact that governments around the world make laws to regulate abortion tells you. There is a Higher Being we are all answerable to. It is God! The guilt that plagues the woman that aborts the first time tells her she is answerable to God. So what does God say about abortion? Abortion is murder in God’s sight and He takes it seriously.

1. God and conception

Conception is an act of the sovereign God.

We must begin from the beginning; the origin of life. Even though conception happens when a male and female have sexual relationship, it is due to God’s sovereign act and will.

Genesis 17:21  But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear to you at this set time in the next year.

Genesis 18:10  And he said, I will certainly return to you according to the time of life; and, behold, Sarah your wife shall have a son…

Genesis 18:14  Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.

Genesis 21:1  And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as he had spoken.

Genesis 21:2  For Sarah conceived, and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.

2Kings 4:17  And the woman conceived, and bore a son when the appointed time had come, of which Elisha had told her.

Luke 1:24  Now after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and she hid herself five months, saying,

Luke 1:25  Thus the Lord has dealt with me in the days when he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men.

Conception or pregnancy is not an accident or a disease or a mistake! It is a visitation of God. Taking place at the sovereign pleasure of God alone.

2. God and His image in man  

What is conceived is a human being, precious to God and expects care and protection

It is God’s image

Genesis 1:26  Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…

Genesis 1:27  So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

“in God’s image” = in moral likeness, knowing good and evil, capacity to love, reason

It is a human being

Those women who conceived carried and bore human beings

1 Samuel 1:20  “…Hannah conceived and bore a son…”

1 Samuel 2:21  “…visited Hannah, so that she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters…”

Psalm 51:5  “…in sin did my mother conceived me”

Isaiah 7:14  “…Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son…”

Jeremiah 1:5  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you (Jeremiah; a person); Before you were born I sanctified you…”

  • Life begins at conception; NOT at 3 days or seven years after birth!

That human being requires care/protection

God gives the child in the womb a very special care.

The womb is structured in three amazing ways:

[1] Perimetrium = thin lining connecting the uterus and the body lining

[2] Myometrium = most import and provides muscular contraction needed during childbirth

[3] Endometrium = Contains glands. Through it the placenta is formed which supplies oxygen and nutrition to the baby

The womb functions also in three wonderful ways:

[1] Protection from harm/danger

[2] Provision for food or Nutritional support

[3] Prevention from infection or Waste removal

  • Baby in the womb is not a disease to be treated by abortion
  • conception presupposes responsibility

A baby’s full life in the womb is of God’s concern and any interference meets with God’s displeasure as in Exodus 21:22-25  If men fight and a pregnant woman is injured and gives premature birth, injury demands justice. Baby in the womb is considered human with rights!

Numbers 11:12, 13 “Did I conceive all these people? Did I beget them…that you say ‘Carry them…

Isaiah 49:15  Can a woman forget her sucking child

Even when that conception is going to bring about inconvenience as in the case of David and Bathsheba

2 Samuel 11:5  The woman conceived and told David ‘Am with child’! David did not plan to kill the child and so erase all evidence. Instead he thought of others things…!

Psalms 127:3  Behold children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is His reward.

  • A child (in the womb or born) is a gift from God not a woman’s or anyone’s property to be disposed at will. Babies should be cherished, nourished and protected.

 3.God and murderers of babies  

God condemns those who murder

Exodus  20:13 “You shall not murder.”

Genesis 9:6  If you shed man’s blood yours will be shed; ‘A life for a life.’ => This is Capital Punishment.

But why is human life valued so highly? Because man is made in the image of God. He is special hence David could say “I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”

=>To murder a human being is to murder that which is most like God. It is attack on God Himself (Deuteronomy 19:15ff)

Capital Punishment is also taught in New Testament! Matthew 26:51 and Acts 25:10f; Romans 13:4; Proverbs 6:16-19

=>When you shed innocent blood you meet with God’s full wrath (Genesis 4:10; cf. Hebrews 11:4; 42:22)

4. God and murdered babies  

What does God do with millions of murdered babies? Or Do all aborted and babies who die in infancy go to heaven automatically?

Notice the following arguments:

  • God cares for His helpless creatures (Psalm 82:3).
  • He requires punishment for any who causes harm to babies (Exodus 21:22-26)
  • When young babies die they go where they can’t return but where those who fear and love God will go to them (2 Samuel 12:23). Story of David and his dead son.
  • Also, what condemns people to hell is ‘refusing to believe in the Lord Jesus to be saved.’ But these children have not rejected Him as saviour!
  • Therefore, ‘murdered babies go safely into the hand of their maker in heaven.’ This is the view of great theologian Berkhof, Dr. John McArthur and a number of others.

It is argued: ‘Those who die in infancy have an “excuse” (Romans 1:20) in that they neither receive general revelation nor have the capacity to respond to it.’

But is this the true position of God’s word?

While it is true that God cares for babies right from conception, the fact that they die in infancy does that qualify them for heaven? I will disappoint some here but the answer is NO!

A belief in automatic entrance in heaven for dead babies would destabilize the whole basis of salvation.

This kind of thinking fails to put into account balanced teaching of the Scripture.

The words “I shall go…” (2 Samuel 12:23) simply mean that. Those words also do mean die or depart. David simply means ‘I eventually will die too’. To take this to mean that the child went to heaven is to stretch the words beyond limit. But also, this is not in line with biblical doctrine of salvation.

Doctrine of salvation

Salvation is absolutely essential to entering heaven. Those who will be saved are the elect ones. Election is not an end in itself. We know those who are elect by the fact that when they hear the gospel preached, they are regenerated/born again and then they believe and walk in holiness.

We all treat pregnant women with respect. Why? Cos of what they carry. We all love babies. But our emotional attachment to babies must not make us go overboard. Though God fully knows and understands us, He does not express similar human emotions.

Conceived in sin

David got it right:

“In sin did my mother conceive me” (Psalm 51:5). God treats us not in terms of age but state.

“The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies.” (Psalm 58:3)

“Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth…let them melt away… let them be cut in pieces…let (every one of them) pass away; (like) the untimely birth of a woman, (that) they may not see the sun…” (vv.6,8)

David asks God that these persons who would live and practice wickedness were better off not born!! These are very hard words; imprecatory Psalms. David knew the state of children; evil is set in their hearts. They are potentially capable of every evil thing. ‘Naturally every child would turn out to be like Hitler or Amin. But when that nature is changed by God’s saving grace then one would turn to be like Spurgeon’ (K B Napier)

Take note of Isaiah 48:8 “…for I knew that you would deal very treacherously, And were called a transgressor from the womb.”

To quote K B Napier

“…any child who enters heaven does so only if he has been elected and he has, in his tender years, been born again.”

To be born again follows the first and natural birth. And ‘be born again’ comes about when one has heard the gospel then believes and is saved. This new birth is mandatory to entering heaven (John 3:3). Yet it is a sovereign work of God that no sinner can bring upon themselves (cf. v.7)

Question: What sends people to hell? It is not because of the daily sins we do. That is false! We go to hell for the inborn state of Sin that causes the daily sins!” This is fundamental Reformed Biblical teaching. But it is being avoided! This is the ‘original’ Sin that entered the human race when Adam fell, plunged whole human race into life against God.

It is for this sin that Jesus died and took our place and now brings us to God.

Question: How does that view address the matter of aborted children?

Answer: Just this, this teaching underscores the horror of abortion. Abortionists are cutting short lives/souls of those who should leave to hear the gospel which alone is able to save their souls. Abortionists are exactly as the Pharisees of Jesus’ day:

Matthews 23:13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.                23:15 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.”

Anyone involved in abortion, God’s judgement hangs upon you!

5.The church’s duty in this situation  

What can the church do towards abortion?

​1. Preach the urgent gospel of repentance and faith in Christ alone to all. This           leads to new creation and holy living before God.

  • Women need this gospel. Your body is not your own. Repent for using it against its owner; God!
  • Men need this gospel. Those involved in sex before marriage or extramarital affairs – Repent…
  • No sin is too grievous that one can’t be forgiven if they repent including murder of babies.

2.  Give assurance and warning.

  • Warn pregnant women/girls never to abort. It is murder! They will be guilty for life!
  • Assure them that when they carry pregnancy through the baby can be adopted!

3. Engage boys and girl in wholesome activities in church context.

  • Their energy will be spent for God and learn to appreciate each other as brothers and sisters
  • They will be away from internet, video and other vulnerable activities.
  • Therefore let us not just talk of safe abortion but talk of holy living.
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Pst. Naphtally Ogallo is one of the Pastors of Grace Baptist Church – Eldoret.

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