
Grace Baptist Church – Eldoret was constituted in 2010 but the church plant began in 2006 through one-on-one evangelistic efforts. Initially, the work was concentrated among the Jua Kali artisans and a number of them professed faith. After the 2007/8 post-election violence, many of them left Eldoret and went back to their villages but some of those who remained do not walk with the Lord any more.

​At the beginning of 2014, a parcel of land was purchased in Eldoret near the town centre. A permanent structure is being put up. An Auditorium on the ground floor is in use although the building is not yet complete. The top floor will provide different rooms for Sunday school for various age groups.

So, Why the Name Grace?

Paul in his second Epistle to the Corinthians chapter six verse one pleads with them to “not receive the grace of God in vain.” What God has done at Grace Baptist Church – Eldoret (GBC-Eldoret) from its inception when the one-on-one evangelism began in late 2006 to date would never be accurately relayed if devoid of the word ‘Grace’, which is the undeserved favor of God or as our children’s catechism song says ‘Grace is that gift of God which we don’t deserve.’