
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it (Proverbs 22:6)

Children are a blessing from God. As stewards of God’s children, we help children grow physically, intellectually, emotional and spiritually. We provide an environment in which children are safe and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Sunday School is a place and time where God’s children learn they are loved by God and the people of God through the warm fellowship, inviting and creative study of the Bible. We teach Bible stories to students in such a memorable and positive ways that they become life-long lessons unfolding their meaning as the student grows – drawing then closer to God and the people of God.

Holiday Bible Club

Holiday Bible Club is a week- long event that takes place during school holidays. Children are taught God’s word through stories, simple lessons, songs and engaging activities.

Children also get to present songs, memory verses, short skits combined with fun activities and refreshments. It is a program used to show the children that the church values them, and the parents that the church is here in their community for them also.

Holiday Bible Clubs give an invaluable opportunity to the church to reach and make contact with people who would usually never set foot into the church building, help establish and build relationships with the local community and reach many with the good news of Jesus.