In 2012, the ReCFoK member churches agreed to start a Reformed theological school for the training and equipping of men for the ministry. These are the men who will carry the Gospel of Grace to cities and towns. Since the member churches are few and financially unstable, our Reformed Brethren in Zambia and HeartCry Missionary Society in the US have partnered with us and they occasionally send to us Pastors to lecture alongside us. KReST is in close partnership with Copper Belt Ministerial College, Ndola, Zambia who in turn is partnering with the Reformed Baptist Seminary, Taylors, SC, USA.

KReST has two local teachers. Pastor Naphtally Ogallo and, Pastor Sam Oluoch who is engaged in church planting in Langata, Nairobi. He is sent by Grace Baptist Church – Kisumu where he was previously pastor. Alongside teaching in the school, Pastor Naphtally also acts as the Principal. Our young school has an international face with some of the students coming from Burundi, Uganda and South Sudan. We have about 25 students. This growing population has put upon us a great challenge of accommodation. At the moment, some of the students are booked in a nearby expensive guest house while the rest sleep at the rear of the church. We have received donation of books from Banner of Truth Trust but the shortage is still very real.

Pastor Naphtally is personally committed to seeing this school grow. Every lecture/study week, which is after every three months for one week, he, often with his wife, travel to Kisumu which is 160 Km from Eldoret and spend the whole week with the students.

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